

dimanche 15 septembre 2013

Jesus Film in Bara language (Madagascar dialect)

According to a Cambridge University study, no matter how the letters of a word are put,  if the first and the last letters are in the right place we can read it. It is possible because we read the word as a whole not as a letter-to-letter association.

So read the sentences here

1: Jseosy no tsy moiva omlay sy aino ary mnadarkziay

Got it?

Hebrews 13: 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever
Hebreo 13: 8 - Jesosy no tsy miova omaly sy anio ary mandrakizay.

But now, tihs is waht the Lord syas—
    he who craeted you, Jaocb,
    he who fromed you, Isarel:
“Do not faer, for I hvae reedemed you;
    I hvae sumomned you by nmae; you are mnie.
When you psas thourgh the wtaers,
    I will be with you;
and when you psas thourgh the revirs,
    they will not sewep over you.
When you wlak thourgh the fire,
    you will not be bruned;
    the falmes will not set you abzale.
For I am the Lord yuor God,
    the Hloy One of Israel, yuor Svaior

Sure that if you cannot read the promises concerning you, I doubt you will benefit from them. So here they are. 

Plain English:

1- But now, this is what the Lord says—
    he who created you, Jacob,
    he who formed you, Israel:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
    I have summoned [= called] you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters,
    I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
    they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
    you will not be burned;
    the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the Lord your God,
    the Holy One of Israel, your Savior

To watch the film go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMtgVUQTXdg

The Lord's prayer 
59:46 -1:00:13
Rainay an-danitsy angny
Hasigno ny anaragnao
Ho avy ny fanjakanao
Hatao an-tany  ny sitraponao
Fa koa any an-danitsa agny
Omeo anay ny hanina sahaza anay  isan’andro
Diovy ny fahotanay
Fa koa agnay mandio troka amin’ny magnota aminay
Embeno amin’ny fanotehila ahay

La alao amin’ny ratsy

dimanche 1 septembre 2013

the non pronunciation of i, a and o in Malagasy

Non pronunciation of vowels i and a and also o = weak accent i, a, o
a is like a in cat 
i is like i in see
o is like o in move 
e is always strong ange/ angé be/bé ngeza/ ngéz'

But at the end of words the vowels  a, i and o are weakly pronounced. French people always make the mistake.
For examples:
Fara/fara/ Lala: Lala/ veloma: velum’/ misaotra: misôtr’/azafady: azafadi/biby:bibi/bib'

 So we say: i, a, o are weak  or not pronunced at the end of words
Mahagaga: magag’
Angaha: anga’
Taovolo:  tôvul’
Mafy : maf’

Moreover sometimes in the middle of words vowels are not pronounced either. There are no "rules" really but sometimes some patterns come out. For example, when the ending is expected like with ka tra na there is no need to pronounce all vowels. On the contrary  what differenciates one word from another is stressed.

So i,a and o are weak in the following:

-       -    With determiner ny with consonants :  ny resadresaka-: n’resadresk/ ny raharaha : n’raara but with vowels ny anadahiko ni- anadaak’/ ny ankizy ni-ankiz’

-         -  In the structure of possessive case n’ny:n’i:   n’ :  tanin’ny vahoaka : tann’vaôk’/tanin’i Soa tann’su
-    - with preposition amin’ny : am’ /  tamin’ny : tam’ : amin’ny folo : am’ful’/roa amby folo: ru’mbi’ful’)

-          - First word ending with vowel a o or  y and next word beginning with vowel a o or i :  mihitsy izy miits’iz/  eto ianao : et’énau  the less open vowel falls

-          - Preposition sy : farafara sy lalimoara  s’

-      -     No in the inverted sentence ianao no naka ilay mofo = enau n’ nak’ lé muf’

-        -  In compound words, each word follows the rule for o =Telopolo :  telpul

-       -    With possessive adjective  +ko/+nao/+nay /+ny/+-nareo the vowels in between fall
tompoko : tumpk /fanafodiny:fanafudn/ zandriko: zandrk/  zokinao: zuknau /  kiraroko=krarku/tranonareo: tran’nareu

with Ending ka tra na some vowels in between fall
-          Endings–tra of nouns and verbs : hevitra : hevtr’(mihevitra: mihevtr’) / loatra: lôtr’/  haharitra: aaritr’/ fahavaratra :faavaratr’
        ending with -na and related - ina/-ana/-ona : lesona :lesn’ /
Ending ina fanina : fann’/ ririnina : ririnn/ maraina : marain’/ pilina : pil’/ oviana: ovin’
Ending ana  fivavahana : fivavaan’/
Ending ona  inona: inn’/ velona : vell’
        Ending with -ka/ -possessive –tsika :  hatsika: atsik’/  tsipika: tsipk’/  alika: alik’/volatsika vulatsik’

-          - After prenasalization mb  and end of words simba: simb’/ but you say mbola :  mbul’
-          Before prenasalization  ndr i falls indrindra: ndri-ndr’/ indry :’ndri’/indray :’ndrai
-          Prenasalization  nj injay ‘njai
-          i falls  in the prenasalization mp mpi=with consonants;  mpitsabo : p’tsab’/  mpinamana: pnaman’ »
but with vowels it stays mpianatra : pi’anatr’/ mpiasa : pias’
         -    after strong accent vowels in the other syllables are weak : taona : tôn’, fotoana :f’tôn’, foana: fôn’/
-        -   before strong accent ramose :  ram’sé/ izireo : izréu / dokotera : duktér'
      - Ending –sa/ -sy:  misy: mis’/  tsy:ts’/ tsimisy ts'mis'/ mpiasa: pias'
- ni and no in past verbs= niteny n'ten' /nolazaina n'lazain'

We point out however that  if the speaker wants to emphasize his words he can pronounce all vowels. These "rules" must be seen in context, what emphasis does the speaker want to put. See the website anio info.com for political speeches.



Samedi, 31 Août 2013 09:02
La Gazette de la Grande Ile

This is how you leave out some vowels

panao gazet’ zokiol’: Mi’tak’ n’ fan’kafn ‘reo onja-peo nakatn’

To’n’ fanôn’ is-k n’ zoma faran' volan’  – de-  n’vor’ tets’  

A’tan’naren’ omal’ n’ piara-di  ao am’ fikamban'n’ panao gazet’ 

zok’ol’; ‘zay n’tariin' filo panata’terak’ ao, Ta-i-ts’ Gilbert.

Vôresk’ s’ ni-ombonan'reo p’vor’ evtr’ tao àry n’ an'loran’ –o- ara-

pa-njakan’ ny satan'’ty fikambanan’ ‘ty ‘zay vô av’ nanava-o n’ 

b'rao ‘p'tark’ azy tam’ volan' ma-y teo. N’hamafisn'izy ‘reo ko n’ 

h’fanakalozan’ tra-ikef’ am'’ asa fana-ovan-gazet’ am’'reo tanor’ 

eo am’ty se-atr'asa ‘ty am'zao fotôn’. Ts’ n’hadino-n'reto zokiol’ 

am'’ asa fanaovan-gazet’ n’ n’tak’ n’ ptondr’ fanjakan’ mba 

han’ktr’ an'ireo or'nasa aino aman-jery nakat’n’, ar’ n’takin'izy 

‘reo ko n’ ananganan’ am'lay rafitr’ antson’ hoe "f’lankevtr’ ambon' 

a-ino aman-jery" na "Haut conseil de l'audio visuel".

This is how you read it
Mpanao gazety zokiolona: Mitaky ny fanokafana ireo onjam-peo nakatona
Toa ny fanaony isaka ny zoma faran'ny volana dia nivory tetsy Antaninarenina omaly ny mpiara-dia ao amin'ny fikambanan'ny mpanao gazety zokiolona; izay notarihin'ny filoha mpanatanteraka ao, Taitsy Gilbert.

Voaresaka sy niombonan'ireo mpivory hevitra tao àry ny hanolorana ho ara-panjakana ny satan'ity fikambanana ity izay vao avy nanavao ny birao mpitarika azy tamin'ny volana may teo. Nohamafisin'izy ireo koa ny hifanakalozana traikefa amin'ny asa fanaovan-gazety amin'ireo tanora eo amin'ity sehatr'asa ity amin'izao fotoana. Tsy nohadinoin'ireto zokiolona amin'ny asa fanaovan-gazety ny nitaky ny mpitondra fanjakana mba hanokatra an'ireo orinasa haino aman-jery nakatona, ary notakian'izy ireo koa ny hananganana amin'ilay rafitra antsoina hoe "filankevitra ambonin'ny haino aman-jery" na "Haut conseil de l'audio visuel".

once again check up with other people. This is the result of my own research, as well as all on pronunciation that I have made in this blog.

vendredi 23 août 2013

The pronunciation of o in Malagasy

Listen here = https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwDbOGaZ6bSPSWF5QjBROE12akU/edit

The vowel o  is normally pronounced /u/. But if you have a word like TOLONA , you don't say tulu-na, you don't give the same length to the two vowels o, you say tu-luna (pronounce tu'ln even tu'll because of the end -na which falls, because the accent is on the first o : tu and no more on lu. 

ex: mitolona ny olona m'tu'l' ni 'ull'

French people often make this mistake: for example "Monsieur Rakoto (rakutu instead of raku'tu), Monsieur Solo (sulu instead of Sulu, Monsieur Velo (velu, instead of Velu). 

So, there are 3 ways to pronounce o=long u,  (weak u=u) and /o/(graphically accentuated ô). 

Don't worry, if you say u for the long u and the weak u there is no problem, Malagasy people will understand you.For the diphtongue ao/oa just pronounce separately a and o (a-u or u-a) and it is fine. 

O pronounced U like in  full, move
O pronounced weakly  u or zero like in for
O pronounced ɒ or o (ô)
In 1 syllable words
Zo, fo, lo (zu/fu/lu)
1 syllable + a
Soa/Moa/koa/toa (su/mu/tu/ku)
And related Tokoa/mandrosoa/Fianarantsoa =(tku/mandrsu/fianarantsu)
In diphtongues
AO=a- u
O=ao in graphics and is pronounced  o like in doctor
Adaoro (ador)/Adizaoza/
Taona (tonə) /aoka (okə)
If it is in the first syllable o=u
Fohy (fuh)/folaka (fulək)/fototra (futtr)
Tompoko(tu-mpk)/boka (buk)

In the 2nd syllable in a three syllable word, or 3rd in a 4 syllable (not ending) 
Antoko(antuk)/akondro (akundr)
O is in the second syllable or ENDING (always u)
Maso(masu) /telo (telu)
/afo (afu )/anao (anau) /adalo (adalu)/
Andro ‘andru /trano (tranu)/antso (antsu)
Antoko (antuku)/
0=OA in graphics o
Fotoana (fton)/ loatra (lotr)/ ahoana (ahon)/foana (fon)
In a word with H
With ending –Na
Olona= ull'
or neologism o=u
savony (savunə) (from FR savon)
Personal pronouns
Aho=a or a(u)
Ho= h not pronounced
Ho= u
0  from neologism
Katolika from catholic
Baolina from ball

When the words are compounded, or prefixed (after man-/mamp-/faha-/ etc)  the rule for o is the same for the word with o.
O at the end of words is always weak (not accentuated).


Put in the board these words=fanafody / febroary/haingo/io/sarotra/satô (palace), misotro

 2-u=weak u or zero

2-o=u=weak u or zero
haingo,io, sarotra, misotro

2-B-How do you pronounce o here?

Listen here 

/u /


long /u/ 2 tunun'-sukaji-5-nu (normally no is not stressed in the sentence=tiako ianao=ianao no tiako I love you = enau n' ti'ku= enau nu ti'ku) -6 itsabun'-9-lutu-10-turu-15-ta'nu'si (compound from nosy)-17-tuetr'
/u/ 4-fe-u/-8-kapuka-11-tranu-13-iu-14-bets'le'u-16-bitru
/o/ 1 vo'fətr-7-vohus'-12-domi-